Kolokačné služby v našich dátových centrách

Prosím, vyberte požadované dátové centrum a urobte rezerváciu. Môžete nás tiež kontaktovať vopred a získať cenovú ponuku pre ktorékoľvek z dostupných umiestnení dátových centier.

1U up to 300W (SK)

Colocation services in TIER3 ECO datacenter in Bratislava, Slovakia.
1U equipment up to 300W PSU*
1IPv4 + IPv6
100Mbit/s unmetered port
IPMI dedicated port

1U up to 300W (RS)

Colocation services in Belgrade (Serbia).
1U equipment up to 300W PSU*
1IPv4 + IPv6
100Mbit/s unmetered port
IPMI dedicated port

1U up to 300W (HK)

Colocation services in TIER3 data-center in Hong Kong (SAR).
Colocation of 1U equipment upto 300W*.
1IPv4 + IPv6
1Gb/s shared unmetered port
IPMI/iLo/iDRAC dedicated port

1U up to 400W (RU)

Colocation services in premium TIER3 datacenter in Moscow (Russia).
1U equipment up to 400W PSU*.
1x IPv4 + /64 IPv6
1Gb/s shared unmetered port
iLo/IPMI port (access over VPN)
24/7 datacenter access
24/7 on-site support by tickets/phone/chat
Customizable monitoring with email notification

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